Keep your secrets secret
Talisman is a tool that installs a hook to your repository to ensure that potential secrets or sensitive information do not leave the developer’s workstation. It validates the outgoing changeset for things that look suspicious - such as potential SSH keys, authorization tokens, private keys etc. Talisman can also be used as a repository history scanner to detect secrets that have already been checked in, so that you can take an informed decision to safeguard secrets.
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Getting Started
Talisman is a tool to help you prevent or detect potential secrets from getting in your github repository. It supports MAC OSX, Linux and Windows 10.
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About the project
Created by ThoughtWorks as an open-sourced project.
Talisman is distributed under under the MIT license.
We love contributors who also share the passion of securing code-bases and of open-source. When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make by raising an issue, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change. Read more about becoming a contributor in our document for CONTRIBUTING.
Thank you to the contributors of Talisman!
Code of Conduct
Talisman is committed to fostering a welcoming community.
View our Code of Conduct on our GitHub repository.